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What about the Feature Film?


This is the 1st Update for the Documentary film A HORSE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR to celebrate the day our website goes live in honor of Jeff Watkins on the day we pause to remember him for.

It has been a little over a year since I started this journey and let me tell you, it has not been an easy one. To make your first feature documentary film (especially if you never went to film school) there can be many ups and downs but from what I have learned in the past year:

No matter what struggles you go through in life, we learn every day and we keep getting back up to make it the best day we can. Main thing is to never loose the passion when the business world gets in the way.

My friend Jeff Watkins could tell you a similar story. In fact, once we have done all the work you can finally see what I mean.

To update our supporters, followers, fellow storytellers and artists my Co-Director Ariel Martinez thought it would be appropriate to conduct an interview on his pod cast. Here it is:

Please check in with us weekly and please feel free to contact us anytime through e-mail with questions, comments, or if interested in donating to the film and its Mission.


Director/Producer : Nicholas X. Parsons


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